Blog | Therapy for Ability

Therapy for Ability - TFA Rehab


November 4, 2018
Pediatric Occupational therapy is a special form of physical and psychological therapy which aids children with special needs in helping them perform purposeful and activities which help them in their daily life and makes them independent and secure.

The therapist will take care of all these aspects of the child’s growth in providing the best possible care and aid to the child:



This is the child’s ability to process successfully and properly all the information and content gathered from his senses and make sense of it and use it for constructive purposes.


This includes gross motor and fine motor skills which help in developing hand eye coordination, physical intelligence and proper coordinated movements, proper posture and the child’s tone and strength.


This includes child’s problem solving ability, his span of attention and focus, and his concentration and arousal levels.


This includes the child’s confidence and social interaction and intelligence, his ability to mix well and make friends and the child’s self-esteem and confidence.

Pediatric Occupational therapy is beneficial for all the children who are struggling with:

  • Self-maintenanceandself-care which includes dressing, grooming and toiletries.
  • Hand eye coordination, physical intelligence, balancing skills.
  • Sense perceptions and processing sense content.
  • Writing and speaking skills.
  • Planning and organizing skills while playing or doing homework.

What all is included in Pediatric Occupational therapy:

  • A screening and assessment through an interview with the child and his guardians.
  • A brief occupational therapy report.
  • Developing goals for necessary intervention developed through child interaction.
  • One on one therapy sessions, Group therapy, School and home visits and Occupational therapy programs.

The Benefits of Occupational Therapy include:

  • Helps the child become more independent.
  • Improve physical intelligence and hand eye coordination and visual and motor skills.
  • Develop movement and balance.
  • Helps focus and concentrate on one thing at a time.

Thus Pediatric Occupational therapy is very helpful in helping the child become independent and self-dependent. It aims in making the child absolutely normal so that nothing is lacking and he becomes mentally and physically intelligent.

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