Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT)

Therapy for Ability - TFA Rehab

What is Neuro Developmental Treatment (NDT)

Historically, the movement disorders of children with cerebral palsy have been treated with different rehabilitation interventions includes the Bobath. Bobath concept aims to improve gross motor function and postural control by improve gross motor function and postural control by facilitating muscle activity through key points of control assisted by the therapist. In 1960, the Bobaths changed the name of the approach to neuro developmental treatment. NDT interventions aimed to stop abnormal postures and movements by holding the child in fixed postures that were supposed to inhibit reflexes.

The NDT approach does not involve exclusively the patients’ sensory-motor problems. It involves the whole person, includes the emotional, social and functional problems that the individual has to face in his or her daily life. The NDT approach also involves managing problems related to the development of the child, including impairments in perception and cognition.

Key elements in NDT are: facilitation (using sensory inputs to improve motor performance), management of compensatory motor behavior, and an overall management strategy such as the head, shoulders and pelvis, and guides the movement of the whole body.

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