Blog | Therapy for Ability

Therapy for Ability - TFA Rehab


October 28, 2018
Occupational Therapy is an evolving science and has been a great help to many children and adults with disabilities and mental and physical challenges. Occupational therapy says that there is a connection between the occupation, person and environment and by working on one of these you automatically impact the others.

Occupational therapies also helps families who have disabled and challenged children by providing support and aid and creating a loving atmosphere for the children and young adults to grow and flourish in.

Occupational therapy basically says that by being busy and by doing something constructive the person feels good, his self-confidence increases and his self-esteem soars. Thus occupational therapy is a great help to children with all different kinds of disabilities. In a sense it is a home away from home and the therapists show a lot of love and care to the children just like their parents and guardians would do.

There are certain activities you need and should want to do and they are called occupations.

Occupations can be divided into 3 broad categories:



This includes washing, dressing, bathing and grooming and also covers basic hygiene and self-care. Eating, bathing and managing oneself are critical for survival in an organized society and when children are taught to be independent and self-dependent then they flourish and flower and become participants and contributors to society.


Education gives a direction to the child’s energies and makes him channelize it constructively. Through Education the child learns about the world and about himself and also makes friends through the learning process. Knowledge gives power and the children become more confident and outgoing and self-assured.


Play and fun are very important for the integrated growth of the child. The child through playing learns how to make friends and influence others. He also learns social survival and gets a sense of self through play.

Thus by engaging children in these three occupations the occupational therapist helps the child grow into an integrated and a confident adult who can survive in any environment.

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