Blog | Therapy for Ability

Therapy for Ability - TFA Rehab


November 1, 2018
Occupational therapy is a very well received science and has proven to be a great aid and help for children with disabilities and mental challenges. Occupational therapy helps the child become mentally and physically intelligent and also helps him regain sensory and motor coordination and become more active socially and acquire self-confidence and a high self-esteem.

There are many children who face disorders like Autism and other neurological disorders like downs syndrome. Also there are children who have lost a limb to an accident or there are children who are suffering from Dyslexia. All these children need special care and attention through which they can become normal and get integrated back into mainstream society.

Through occupational therapy the children are aided and helped in taking care of them by performing tasks like bathing and washing and dressing and also are encouraged to be more social and make friends. Social bonding is very important as it gives mental and emotional health.

Children with fractures and handicapped children can also benefit through occupational therapy as they can slowly but surely go back to normal walking or writing with their broken limb and handicapped children can learn to develop their other limbs better and manage independently and on their own.

Daily living skills along with puzzles and challenges are given to the young children so that their intelligence improves and sharpens and they become more and more confident and normal. The therapist takes special care that all the children get ample attention as in diseases like autism and downs syndrome love and affection are critical for healing.

Thus through Occupational Therapy a lot of children with special needs and disabled children get an opportunity to express them without being judged and this raises their self-esteem and increases their self-confidence and they start healing faster and feeling better. Occupational Therapy has some fantastic results and children with special needs should definitely go for Occupational Therapy.

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